Program Guide Step Two

Hosting a Workshop

Hosting a workshop is a requirement of the program, and kickstarts community engagement.

Who is it for? A cross-section of community leaders such as town council, justice, police, education, industry employers, health and community service providers.  

What’s the expected attendance? Attendance is optimally around 50 people. This is up to you, however.

What’s the format? It is generally an all-day workshop with lunch provided. The morning is dedicated to providing information and education about AUD and treatment options in the community. The afternoon is a facilitated community conversation.

What are expectations? We will meet with you to go over the workshop roll out from invitations to evaluation. In general, we will help identify attendees, coordinate presenters for the morning session, and assist with facilitating the community conversation. Of course, we have plenty of templates for you to use, and will offer support all along the way!


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